Carl Watkins SR


If you gain nothing else from visiting this page, please take this with you. Vote. Regardless of your party, it is important to understand the policies and principles that the official you most closely align with and to vote according to those issues, not just based on party line. I have seen successful Democrats, successful Republicans and others who were willing to put the needs of the people before their own personal beliefs. It is ok for a politician to stand true to what they believe in as long as they were elected for those said beliefs.


Who is Drew Watkins?

New to politics, Carl "Drew" Watkins Sr. has experienced life from multiple perspectives. From private schools to homelessness, top secret security clearance to probation, Drew has a unique view of the world that has proved valuable in advising others. He understands the needs of people better because of his experiences and works hard to share the lessons learned with anyone willing to listen.

I was born in 1985 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At a very young age, I experience my first tragedy, losing my mother at the hands of my father. That was a foundation on which would build the person who is Carl Watkins. My older brother and I were then raised by our maternal grandparents, a wonderfully amazing woman, Geraldine James-Riley who was diagnosed with cancer in 1987 and her husband Leroy James. She was the strongest and most respected person I have ever met, and she taught me so much until her passing in 2016 from cancer. Almost 30 years this woman battled cancer having a large period of remission until coming back 2004 and never completely leaving. Throughout this period, she never complained, loosing another daughter in 2004 to domestic violence as well, her mother, her sister, and her nephew to cancer. This is the strength I watched all my years, and this is the strength that has taught me to be me. I always strive to make a difference, from commanding JROTC in high school, joining the military, becoming a pastor, and giving back as much as possible in various forms. I have made mistakes along the way, getting into legal trouble several times ruining some of my chances for career choices. All of this has taught me there are more to the values of America than just protecting certain groups of people. Every person on American soil should have some sort of protection because that is who we are. We are the land of the free, not the land of the selective free.
What am I doing? I'm sharing the knowledge that I have learned through various trials and tribulations with anyone who will listen. I realize flaws in a system and will speak out to fix as many as possible. It takes workers on all levels to make a difference and hopefully I will be able to influence others to vote and fix issues as opposed to blind loyalty.
My goal is to create a change in the majority so that voting again becomes about issues and values and less about party. If you were to ask an opposing party member what a candidate from another party stands for, I don't think the majority would be to answer. They would be would able to tell you the key talking points, but they don't truly know what people from another party stand for. Just voting for every name that has an 'R' or 'D' next to it won't make sure every personal value is represented. Opposing views are vital to making sure every person is represented in our government. We shouldn't fight differences, we should embrace them.